Teflon coating of pieces


The teflon coating of pieces is used to describe, in a general way, the use of Teflon ® or other brands of coatings to cover the surface of pieces with mainly non-stick or anti-corrosion purposes within a huge range of industrial fields. Coatresa is a specialist in coatings of metal parts in the food, chemical, automotive and other sectors, where this type of coating provides added value, increases the useful life of the parts, facilitates the maintenance of installations and improves the performance of numerous industrial processes

teflonado de rodillo troquel, sector alimentación
teflonado de piezas, sin fin
Cubeta teflonada en negro
Teflonado de piezas alimentación
Tolva antiadherente
Tolva con teflon verde
Pintura baja fricción
Teflonado de piezas
Teflonados industriales
teflonados industriales 2
Teflonado de cilindros
Teflonado negro de piezas metalicas