Industrial and kitchenware coatings
Retansa Coat, S.L., located in northern Spain, in Vitoria, was co-founded by Coatresa in 1988 to expand its market and offer a global coating service for the kitchenware and automotive sectors throughout Spain, by making the most of the know-how and experience of Coatresa.
Coatings for kitchenware and small household appliances

Retansa specialises in industrial coatings for the automotive and small household appliances sectors. Through its Technical Department, it maintains permanent contact with all the fluorinated raw material manufacturers, and meanwhile brings itself up to date on the latest application technology, in order to offer its clients the most advanced and effective solutions in the market.
High production capacity

Retansa, which moved to Polígono Industrial Jundiz in Vitoria in 2006, has a very high production capacity with a total of 4,200 m2 distributed across two buildings in the same location, and has modern automated hanging lines and kilns with capacities of up to 8 metres in length for large parts.
Its high production capacity and next-generation technology enables it to constantly evolve and expand to new industrial sectors, applying non-stick and anti-corrosive coatings for the oil and natural gas industry.