COATRESA’s R&D has recently acquired new equipment which will allow to understand the behavior of its non-stick coating systems through a LEICA digital microscope which can achieve magnifications of over 3000x. This new equipment is one of the most exact ones in the market and sets new standards for digital microscopy.
Digital microscope : Aplicattions
With this new digital microscope we will be able to simulate the procedures carried out in production, like in industrial bakeware, and to deepen in the features of each coating system and optimize their properties.
A baking oven can reach very high temperatures, so coated pans and trays should be ready to endure those extreme situations. It is very important to understand the behaviour of both those pans and trays and of coatings to optimize their function and get a quality product as important as daily bread.

This piece of equipment shall be used in different departments, from Quality Control to Research & Development, among others.
In brief, COATRESA moves a step forward through professionalisation in industrial bakeware sector believing in new product development, like spray salt chamber we acquired.